Hundreds of thousands of unexamined patent applications. 18.1 months before the USPTO may even look at your application. 26.7 months before you may even see an approved patent. A whopping 87.5 months if an appeal is necessary. We break down how to sprint to the front of the line.
You’ve been struck with the next big idea, are spending your sleepless nights, multiple coffee pots, ignoring friends, doing everything you can to build your business from the ground up. But before opening breaking open a bottle of champagne and sending out your first press release, you want to make sure that your product is as innovative as you think it is.
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When was the last time a 7 or 8 year old gave you treasured insight into running a successful business? Last weekend, after the season-ending awards ceremony of my daughter’s 8U softball league (our Lil Falcons finished 2nd place!) all of the coaches took the field to participate in a friendly “Coaches Game.” Little did I know what expert advice I would be spirited home with!